Welcome, to the website for the St. Joseph's Council #10644 of the Knights of Columbus. Here, you will find everything you need to know about the Knights here in Modesto, CA. and San Joaquin Chapter 6 on under Resources and Photos.
Our monthly Business Meetings are held within Father O'Hare Hall, behind St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 1813 Oakdale Road, Modesto. They begin at 7 PM on the first Tuesday of every month. We have close to 200 members and rising.
Our monthly Business Meetings are held within Father O'Hare Hall, behind St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 1813 Oakdale Road, Modesto. They begin at 7 PM on the first Tuesday of every month. We have close to 200 members and rising.
We have multiple events throughout the year where we raise tens of thousands of dollars, which are then passed on to many different charitable organizations in our area including:
- St. Joseph's Catholic Church
- St. Joseph´s Pantry w/ Adopt-a-Family
- Student Scholarships
- Diocese of Stockton Seminarians
- Participants in RCIA
- American Cancer Society
- Haven (Healthy Alternative to Violent Environments)
- Catholic Charities
- Northern California Red Cross
- Modesto Pregnancy Center
- and more.
Hosting Bishop's Seminarian Dinner--October 9,2024
~@ Turlock~
4th Degree Meeting--October 24,2024
Adopt a Family--December 7,2024
~@ Turlock~
4th Degree Meeting--October 24,2024
Adopt a Family--December 7,2024
Information will be sent out via email to Council Members prior to each event.
Want to join the Knights of Columbus?
Now it is even easier to join the Knights of Columbus. You can fill out the application online by clicking on this link.